Politisk ukorrekt information om Danmark

Officielle oplysninger om Danmark er politisk korrekte. Det vil sige de er kun sande, når vi ser dem gennem de politisk korrekte briller. Sandhed mener vi bl.a. er det modsatte af løgn. Derfor er vi politisk ukorrekte.

søndag, april 26, 2009

Graphic illustration of the difference between the second best and the best projection

Why be modest when you have proven you are right

The graphic illustration of the difference:

Excerpt from:
Europe in the twilight of its demographics
J. L.– 1.12. 2008

"Now the reader should see the film ‘The Third Jihad’ (Trinity, 2008). It is bothering, no doubt, but the situation in the USA is still several dimensions better than in Europe. In an interview with Mark Steyn commenting the general conviction that the Muslims in Europe ‘are so few, only some percent of the population’, he says: “Many people think it will ‘take centuries’ for them to become majorities”, there is shown the likely demographic devel­opment of Muslims and non-Muslims calculated for France’s actual fertility rates of 1.4 vs. 3.8..." :


(Excerpt continued)
"The result may surprise the optimist: The break even point is reached before the end of our century – around 2087. And this is merely a calculation on the basis of the demographic reproduction rates, not even considering (1) the ongoing family reuniting, (2) continuous further immigration, (3) the illegal immigrants of today (suppos­edly millions), (4) continuous illegal immigration, (5) repeated amnesties for hidden immigrants (as a strong motivation for trafficking of asylum seekers), (6) the fact that Muslim fertility could be increased deliberately as conscious means of politics (already outspoken by many Muslim leaders), (7) increasing emigration of endogen­ous Europeans (which already has begun in several countries), and (8) that political decisions during their grow­ing democratic power could lower the obstacles for Muslim immigration or even facilitate it (e.g., the EU-Africa commitments of the EU-Mediterranean ‘Barcelona Process’ etc.). All these powerful factors included, a better demographic simulation than the one above could result in a much more bothering timeline..."

But I'am afraid the truth is it dismantles 40-50 p.c. quicker than even Jehu Lentius imagined or calculated 1.12.2008, especially if you look critically at the official figures as we certainly did last summer in order to come closest to the truth. Our three alternative rising curves then begin a little higher on the y-axis, because we naturally have corrected til startingpoint i.e. made a corrected realistic population balanced sheet before we projected the groups of population, but our curves do not even rise as fast as does those refered to or calculated by J. L. 1.12.2008. And even then the three rising curves intersect with the falling curve at least 40 year earlier:

'Some will certainly contradict us persistently and perhaps one might even point out that the first diagram concerns France, the second Denmark. But does this really matter when I tell you that France might come first.'

Graphic projection 2008

Now I would prefered some video - all in good time


"if your heart is filled use your brain"

torsdag, april 02, 2009

Behandlingen af unge kriminelle virker ikke

  http://www.berlingske.dk/article/20090227/danmark/902270355/ "Alternativet til fængsel til de 15-17-årige lovovertrædere har ikke den store effekt, når det drejer sig om at holde dem væk fra kriminalitet..."
Behandling af unge 
kriminelle virker ikke
http://www.berlingske.dk/article/20090324/danmark/90324027/ "80 procent af de ungdomskriminelle, der udstår en to-årig behandlingsdom, bryder loven igen. Det viser ny rapport fra Justitsministeriet..." 


Forventningerne var igen ligesom ressourceindsatsen enorme - det er ingen molbohistorie, der er fuld dokumentation for den, der tager sig til hovedet: 


"if your heart is filled use your brain"

Fremmede overtager de tvangauktionerede boliger


"Nydanskere holder gang i bolighandler

Af Mikael Hjorth

Tirsdag den 24. marts 2009, 12:00

I nogle områder står nydanskere for syv ud af ti bolighandler. De er ikke så bekymrede over krisen og låner penge af hinanden til at købe hus eller lejlighed.

Indvandrere og efterkommere af indvandrere er meget mere opmitistiske i forhold til boligmarkedet end andre danskere, skriver Bolius, Boligejernes Videncenter. Finanskrisen har ikke i samme grad afholdt nydanskere fra at købe bolig som flere generations danskere.

"Indvandrerne er helt klart med til at holde hånden under boligmarkedet. Det kan de, fordi de ofte handler kontant og ikke i samme grad som danskerne er afhængige af at få finansieringen godkendt af kreditforeningen," siger kommunikationschef Niels H. Carstensen fra Home..."


Nu tilbydes der halal-lån - dem med den kontante overtagelse og den skjulte rente, 'så deres gud ikke kan se renten'. Med whisky kører med samme begrundelse en tilsvarende kamouflage-trafik fra bl.a. Jordan i Mellemøsten - eksport af whisky på bl.a. kamouflerende mælkekartoner til andre arabiske lande.

Complement: http://www.pakistanlink.com/mahjabeen/01142005.htm

"...Ziaul Haq bulldozed Islam into unwilling throats. Public alcohol consumption was still not common in the Benazir and Nawaz years, or at least strenuous efforts to camouflage and conceal were made. With Musharraf now quite inclined towards alcohol, pet dogs, Ataturk and secularism, euphemized as enlightened moderation, parties in Pakistan are no different from what they would be any Western country. There was a time that Pepsi was used to camouflage whiskey, now in mehndis and weddings there are regular bars serving vodka, whiskey and beer should you so desire..."


"if your heart is filled use your brain"